
Detailed Application Directions
Here are our recommendations for how to best use Pee Hero in order to remove that pesky urine odor.
First we want to emphasis, these little microbes work, so if you are having any difficulties at all please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. I would love to talk through your unique set up to make sure we remove that urine smell for you!
Artificial Grass Urine Odor Remover Application
1. Using a 1- gallon pump sprayer, pour 8 oz. of Pee Hero concentrate and fill up the rest of the 1-gallon jug with water. Let sit for 15 minutes. This allows the microbes to wake up and start reproducing.
2. With your regular hose, gently spray the areas of your artificial grass that your pet pees on with just water. Not too much, just a light spray.
3. Take the Pee Hero mixture in the sprayer, spray those same areas of your artificial grass with the Pee Hero mixture. Saturate those areas
with the Pee Hero.
4. Repeat this process for 3-14 days or until the smell is gone. (This will depend on how long the urine crystals have been there building up, how much pee is present, and how large the space is).
Removing Urine Smell from All Other Outdoor Spaces
1. Using a 1- gallon sprayer, pour 8 oz. of Pee Hero concentrate and fill
up the rest of the 1-gallon jug with water. Let sit for 15 minutes. This allows the microbes to wake up and start reproducing
2. Take the Pee Hero mixture in the sprayer, spray the outdoor areas your pet pees on with the Pee Hero mixture.
3. Repeat this process for 3-14 days or until the smell is gone.

The Maintenance Phase
Once the smell has been removed you have now entered the maintenance phase. Here you will need to do some testing to see what is a good frequency of use for your yard and your pets. To start with, we recommend spraying the area(s) 2 times a week with Pee Hero mixture for maintenance. As well as misting the area(s) with just water twice per week (especially if it is very hot outside). From there if the smell stays away, you can testing using Pee Hero 1x per week. If the smell comes back, bump it up to using it 3x per week.
The frequency of spraying per week varies on the size of your yard and the amount of urine being produced by your pets. If you need help with this stage please don't hesitate to contact us.
Please note - If you live in a very hot area we recommend following the application process either early in the morning or after dusk to minimize the evaporation of the water, as well as misting the areas with water more frequently to keep the microbes alive.
Shelf Life
In the unaltered concentrated form, Pee Hero® microbes will last for up to 12 months.
Once added to water the Pee Hero® microbes stay alive for up to 3 weeks. It is best to store your concentrate in a cool dark place.
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